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Welcome to T-shirt of the Day. Just talking about the cool stuff I like and why I allow them to represent me on my t-shirts. Hopefully here you'll find unique and engaging content. Perhaps T-shirt of the Day will ignite your own passions as well.

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Looney Tunes but not the cartoons

Way too much space and time between these blogs. I know. Trust me though, it's not you, it's me. I need to take time to write my thoughts...

A "Villain's" Perspective

If you hadn't picked up on this already somewhere along the way, I'm a nerd. Always have been, always will be. didn't occur to...

Pac Man and Self forgiveness

The pandemic has had so many effects in so many ways, and before you guess what I'm going to say next, I promise this isn't going where...

Cobra Kai Never Dies!!! (Cobra Kai series review 2020)

I knew that it was going to be good. I just didn't know it would be this good. I have to admit that I'm a fan of this franchise. My...

Why Healing is Heroic

I get it. It's been way too long. Perhaps this guy doesn't like writing anymore, or maybe he's run out of tshirts or maybe blogs are...


**SPOILER ALERT*** This is kind of long and there are some spoilers. I've tried to do it in a way that only gives context and did not...

Nothing lasts forever and shrinks are people too

I know this is becoming more like tshirt of the week but I promise I'll ramp the volume back up very soon. I'm doing a lot and I'm more...

The Patriots and Matters of the Heart

Victory Monday for Pat's fans. I ALWAYS rock one of my Patriots tees the day after a game. It's like a tradition of sorts, if you can...

Trooper Tuesday

It's Tuesday but it feels like a Thursday. I might be making that up because I can't think of what a Thursday feels like. Maybe the...

Batman and the Soft Spoken Prophet

I hate when I'm forced to park far away in the parking lot of a place I'm going to. Ever been to Walmart or something on a Saturday? You...

Iron Man on the go

Today has been a busy but relatively good day. I'm down to about the 9th hour until this trip overseas and I feel like there's always...

Dad was the Strongest Avenger

Wednesday is usually the turning point in the week for me as far as work. By the end of the day, there's still work to do but the...

Butterscotch nightmares and Star Wars faith

I'm just a Star Wars guy through and through. I know you guys most likely know that if you've read 3 or so of these blogs but man, I...

Toys R Us kids love comic conventions Uh huh huh

I know what y'all are saying. "Well, well, well...what do we have here?" Oh you were supposed to blog Mr Blog man but noooooooooo, you to...

Darth Vader needed Storm Troopers

Friday Jr is basically in the books. It's been a lot of running around even for me lol but what else is new right? Patriots football is...

Weather man > Anchorman

The way that's it's raining right now is kind of nuts. One minute it's a sunny day, next minute it's all gray out, next minute it's sunny...

Pressing on like Hans and Chewy

I was not aware I owned as many tees featuring Han Solo and Chewbacca but they're all dope and the way this one fits makes me feel like I...

How many of us have them? Avengers!!!

What a day, what a day. I feel like I've earned my entire paycheck just from the amount of work I completed. You ever feel that 1230am...

1Church will sing 4 souls!

The way I was fighting to stay awake in church this morning maaaaaan!!! It wasn't due to boredom or anything like that. It's just me...

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Benjamin Franklin

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