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Why Healing is Heroic

Writer's picture: AJ in real lifeAJ in real life

I get it. It's been way too long. Perhaps this guy doesn't like writing anymore, or maybe he's run out of tshirts or maybe blogs are going the way of the CD lol... Well, it pleases me to be able to tell you at this time that, that is none of your darn business and I'd thank you to stay out of my personal affairs LOL!!! Ok, so maybe that's only funny if you've seen the first Ace Ventura movie. If you've gotten this far into the reading, you may as well finish now... I'm not sure exactly where that thought was going but I'm positive that during this quarantine you've given 2 or more hours to terrible Netflix (or whatever service you use) movies that you'll never get back so why not give me another 3 to 5 am I right? Lol

So I'm not exactly sure where to start so I'm just going to start saying stuff. I remember telling you all that I was working on some others projects and that continues to be true. I released music this year (2020) for the first time in over 6 years. You read that right lol. There where children in kindergarten and first grade who were younger than my last album. Good God, I feel old. Also I'm trying to get used to expressing my thoughts without using emojis and I promise you, it's no easy task. Anyhow, I released it on my birthday this year (May 20) and if you're at all interested in fantastic underground music with unbelievable lyrical genius the likes of which only God could bless you with then I would encourage you to go and check that out... Idk why but my inner Ryan Reynolds is on 1000 right now so of course I'm kidding lol but seriously, if you'd like to give that a listen you can do that here #PleaseAndThankYou

Batman has always been my favorite hero. That's well documented. One aspect of Batman that I probably haven't talked about is his bravery. It's a running joke that Batman's superpower is white privilege and I'm not here to dispute that. I actually think it's true to an extent lol BUT there were many parts of his character that I also admired starting with the fact that he was fearless. Batman went into battle with Superman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, Martian Man hunter, Green Lantern and more. Every one of those other heroes had an other worldly ability that could keep them out of danger or at least level the playing field vs super villains. Batman had a bunch of ideas and some courage. That's it...maybe a strong belief in himself lol but he should've been the Brian Scalbrine (who is that? Exactly) of the Justice League but instead he was one of the most important members. I couldn't imagine trying to help in a fight against somebody that was made of fire or could shoot laser beams out of their eyes or something like that but Batman never thought twice. Now he did get jacked up a few times. More than a few actually lol but the record will show that Batman was fearless in his pursuit of justice and when it comes down to it, that's a superpower. Period (I'm not adding that stupid "T" at the end of that word yo. Who raised y'all?? LOL)

Courage, now that I'm thinking of it, isn't really the absence of fear. I think it's the willingness to go forward in whatever you're doing regardless of fear. Growing up in church, we always heard the scripture that God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). I always thought that what it meant was that we shouldn't feel fear and I've always kind of struggled with trying not to feel it but that's not what the scripture said. It was saying that God isn't the one who gave us that, so if we feel it, it's not because He wants us to. It goes on to say that He HAS given us the Spirit of Power and of Love and of a Sound Mind. It's not a coincidence that fear can take away from each of these if we let it. Fear makes us feel powerless. Fear makes us doubt that we are loved. Fear makes us feel like we're losing a grip on our sanity at times. Fear can paralyze us and keep us from taking the steps that God is ordering for us. It's no wonder that fearful people are often referred to as "spineless." You can't walk if you're spineless. So in a way, fear can make you a spiritual paraplegic and that's a terrible place to be in because not only are you standing still when you should be going forward but you're no longer walking with God. How in THEEEEE world can you navigate through the valley of the shadow of death if you are fearful of evil because you're not walking with Him? It simply cannot be done. Where does this fear come from? Well since the scripture made it plain that it didn't come from God then we know that it had to have come from who the old folks would call, "That ol flue foot devil!" Lol there is a lot more I could get into with this but I'll spare you my long winded writing and get to the main idea. Today's t-shirt states that "Healing is Heroic." Focusing on the fact that, that scripture said that God has given us the Spirit of a sound mind AFTER saying that He has NOT given us the spirit of fear. Sometimes it's hard for us to be able to begin to heal from trauma. We accept temporary mindsets as permanent because we're so afraid to deal with it, we can't even take the first step (paralysis) and in my opinion, that first step is being able to admit to yourself that there's a problem. It's at that point that healing starts because once you're able to admit it to you, you're able to come to the conclusion that you need help and are able to go further and seek it out. The point is that Healing is Heroic because healing is a choice. A choice not to be a slave to the things that plague our minds and make us lesser versions of ourselves. A choice we make not in the absence of fear but in the face of it. Our mental health is too important to not fight for it. Please hear me. Healing... is... Heroic!!

Welp... I didn't see that going in the direction (go go gadget preacher voice LOL!!) but it did lol, hopefully that gave perspective to someone who needed it.

I have so many tshirts you guys haven't seen and I haven't had a chance to write about yet so please stay tuned. Still a lot of good things coming. Again, if you have about 37 minutes or so to kill, you can listen to my album at #PleaseAndThankYou

You can also check out a live set of some of the songs on the Soft Spoken Prophet page on Facebook.... aaaaaaaaand (I promise this is it lol) if you're interested in purchasing this t-shirt or any of my other originals, you can contact me at and I'll be sure to get that right out to you.

Hit me up with your stories and testimonies too, we in this together!! Feedback on the music (or pretty much anything) is welcome but I'll roast you if you come for me lol



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