I'm just a Star Wars guy through and through. I know you guys most likely know that if you've read 3 or so of these blogs but man, I can't even help it. I've worn so many of those tees up to this point and still have so many more it's just madness lol. Can't help it man. There's never not a time when I wouldn't be down to watch Star Wars. I'm not even sure why I'm leading with this other than the fact that I'm wearing what may be my favorite Star Wars tee. It's not fancy or anything like that. It just fits really good, is comfortable and is pretty much to the point. I'm thinking of a costume to buy that is authentic looking and that won't cost an arm and a leg. Those seem like 2 conflicting ideas but my only other option would be to make one myself which I don't have time for. I don't mind putting money into a good costume but if I did, it would just have to be on layaway lol. I'm not gonna get anything cheesy so if I'm going to make it to San Diego Comic Con and others I've got to bring my cos game to the next level. I'll take ideas if you're knowledgeable on the subject and wanna throw some in the comments or send a message. I'm thinking maybe the bounty hunter from Star Wars or something like that. I'm even gonna get started listing things because there are too many possibilities lol. I know that this is super off subject but do you remember the old ladies at church when you were a kid? The ones that had all those church candies and give them to kids during service? My sister calls them ineffective breath mints. The strawberry ones, the clear ones, the round peppermints, the white life savers, the rootbeer things and the last and CERTAINLY the least: butterscotch candies. Well I don't post a bunch on Facebook but yesterday I said something to the effect of "If you like church butterscotch candies, just donate your taste buds to science. They taste like pee coated, fermented nickels" and it stirred a bit of controversy lol. I didn't realize how many people like butterscotch candy but I feel bad for them. Butterscotch smells like the main ingredient is piss. If you lost your sense of taste and smell it would still probably make you vomit. I know that it's different strokes for different folks but fam...we gotta be better than this lol. There were even kids that chose those first back then. I never understood it...and to use it as a breath freshener?!? Nah. Even if you were on those Whether's Originals, what could that really do for you? Now your breath just smells like sophisticated doodoo. At least the non powerful mints would give you something of a lighter peppermint smell. I understand that some people just have bad breath no matter what but bad breath plus butterscotch candy is basically dookie on steroids. Let's argue (big shrug). It's not 1927 and butterscotch is the only available flavor, let it go! Y'all are eating the candy version of chitterlings.
I was supposed to start this by saying it was taco Tuesday but I didn't have tacos so I'm just gonna use that as an excuse for why it didn't happen lol.
It's been a pretty good day for the most part. I keep receiving reminders that I want to do something other than what I'm doing in terms of employment. Everyday I keep thinking that I want my own business. Although that comes with its own set of challenges, I'd feel better busting my butt daily for something I'm building. So I've inserted that affirmation into my daily routine. Saying it out loud. Putting it out into the atmosphere. What you say is what you'll have and all that. Faith is a funny thing because it never just works the way we think all the time. There are so many levels and nuances to it. I feel like I'm always learning something in that area. Sure, some the lessons suck but when it's all said and done, I'd rather get the knowledge. My problem sometimes is that I'm such a hands on learner, God has me go through some things that He probably can just say to others lol. That, I'm sure is partly a referendum on my hard headed nature but I'm working on it. I brought up this faith thing because I'm continuing to learn that it's something I have to check and build up on an everyday basis. This is a function of having escaped depression. Notice I said escaped. What I mean is that most days I still feel like I'm trying to outrun it. Like trying not to let it catch me. So if I can keep building that faith up, it helps to stay positive and as long as I can stay positive, I can "stay faster" than that thing that tries to catch me when I least expect it. Hopefully that makes sense. It does to me and I guess that's what matters since we don't all have to look at things the same way. Anyhow, no matter what perspective you look at it from, faith is important (I really wish I could insert some emojis lol)
Here's to hoping you continue to have a great week. Good things are on the way. If you dig these blogs (or even if you hate them) like, share and subscribe if you you see fit to do so please and thank you.