Unfortunately I underestimated my weekend work schedule when I started writing these so I'll most likely get about an hour and a half to sleep before I go to work after this.
Have you ever had a day when you could feel the need for peace of mind? I know we all have those times but what I'm talking about is the days when you can feel a physical need for a period of peace and quiet. No being bothered, just uninterrupted time preferably alone. No? ... well forget yall, me neither lol.
Really though, thinking about my weekends recently reminded me of times when I was a kid and went to the arcade at the mall. I'm not sure if arcades exist anymore outside of Dave and Busters but those old school ones were pretty dope. I mean, the games were kind of basic but there wasn't anything better at the time so it wasn't like we could really get bored lol. Ms Pac man, Frogger, Q'Bert, Galaga, Dig Dug, Space Invaders. Centipede, Joust etc. were as good as it got and if the arcade was really dope they'd have some form of a pinball machine. Pinball was one of the most nerve wrecking, aggravating games you could play. I still don't know how to win at it. I never won but I always tried. I'm actually like 77 percent sure that no one ever did and the store itself was just setting fake high scores. The only other way someone could've gotten those high scores is if they were an octopus (this also applies to foosball) lol like c'mon man, who can really do this? You're supposed to keep the little metal ball from going into this pit but there was a spot where it kept going through and it didn't matter how good you were. At the same time you were trying to hit the ball into these certain spots to get a certain amount of points. Just writing that and reading it back makes the game sound ridiculous. Good grief.

That's how I feel on the weekends though. Going from one task to the next. Just constantly busy. I was on vacation last weekend and I almost didn't know what to do with myself when there was nothing to do but just relax. That in itself was almost a little uncomfortable because of how used to constant motion I am. Some of you are too young to remember Ricochet Rabbit but he always said, Ping, ping, PING!!!" before he said his name and thats what I feel like when I get ready to start work. Just "pinging" from this place to that place. I know once I hit that prayer and down a 5 hour energy I'll be good though. Actually, I'm starting to feel better already, Just sitting here writing I guess is a help.
I'm gonna go ahead and get this lil hour and a half power nap in and see what happens. I can't remember what I was gonna write about this t-shirt (I said it! lol). When I bought it we were witnessing door to door on Saturday mornings at my church. I remember wishing I could just wear it then sometimes instead of talking to people. I don't always want to talk lol. Not even about the people, I am just more introverted than outgoing but I'm fully aware and try to avoid seeming anti-social. Now it doesn't always work but I try... really I do. I'm working on it, gimme a break!
Now if any of my people in Boston are feeling generous and want to grab a brother something extremely caffeinated, I've got a fist bump and a "God Bless You" with YOUR name on it lol.